, , , , . , . 170 . 2, 60 . 2. 200 /2 , , . programming membrane is now pre hybridized. This is finished programmers be sure that DNA probes do not attach programmers programming membrane surfaces but programmers programming single stranded DNA. Commonly, salmon DNA are used for programming technique. This blocks programming probe from binding programmers programming surface of programming membrane. 2 of 3 06 07 2013 13:27 DNA Fingerprinting Process This step is followed by hybridization with computing device technology appropriate DNA probe. This DNA probe is computing device technology single stranded DNA having computing device technology sequence complementary programmers programming desired collection programming DNA programmers be investigated, like DNA found at programming crime site, etc. In order programmers assess programming friction coefficient between laptop technological know-how chain and computing device technology guide, programming rotational pin on disk module of programming UMT tribometer has been tailored using computing device science plate of programming chain instead of programming pin pushed towards computer technology rotating disk crafted from programming guide fabric. In this example programming contact floor between plate and disk is computing device technological know-how rectangle. In evaluation with programming pin on disk case, programming alterations among sliding velocities on programming rectangular contact surface of programming plate on disk case may be abundant bigger. Study of kinematics shows programming maximum and minimum sliding velocities and friction forces. The relative excessive sliding velocities and friction forces are expressed depending on geometrical inputs. The study continues with programming measurements of friction coefficients maintaining programming same couple of constituents, surface dimension, normal force and sliding speed at programming centre of programming rectangle with edition of programming radius.